Low wage for services

Yana Dvoretskaya
3 min readAug 9, 2022

This is a sign that you don`t know WHAT exactly you put in your services. You don’t fully understand how valuable it is.

I got this idea the other day from a psychologist, and then developed it, thinking over my experience.

Price is not just the sum of the costs of creating a product / providing a service and a little more. It is important to include in the price the cost of education, practical experience, successful results in projects, personal brand, communication skills, and even the love with which you approach work.

The fact that you love your craft is your competitive advantage, which means that this subjective property should be included in your price calculation. Just compare the approach of the one who writes because it is more convenient to work on the Internet remotely and the other who feels his vocation in this from childhood and cannot live without text.

How is it possible to calculate something that cannot be measured?

We assume that only you know how much you invest in the services. And you can’t fool yourself — if you fall short of the mark, you will announce the price so awkwardly that the customer will feel something strange, there will be distrust, and in the end, he won`t agree.

But here is a huge problem: you can invest a lot in your work and be confident in your professionalism, but low self-esteem will intervene. Then even a cool specialist work at a low rate. Customers are happy: they see both an impressive experience and a brilliant portfolio — that’s good luck! And if they are not very suspicious of such bounty, they will cling to you.

But is it good?

My experience proves that it is not.

  1. You will be less appreciated. And professionalism won`t change the situation. It is important how much they paid for you, and how difficult it is for the customer to get you.
  2. Even if the company is normal, colleagues appreciate it, then all the same — over time they will not know what to do with a such team member. On the one hand, your skills are obvious and it seems that it is time for you to develop the team yourself, and not develop under someone else’s supervision. On the other hand, your wage isn`t a senior wage, and you, like, need to be raised.

You underestimated yourself and put people at a dead end. Further, all sorts of injustices against you are likely, which will cause suffering. For example, a less experienced person may be placed as a supervisor for you, who will feel uncomfortable in the role of your leader and will not treat you in the best way in order to prove to himself that you still have not outgrown him.

Determine your wage for services / desired salary — not to peep at a colleague and not follow the lead of an impudent customer — it is critical if you want to be a good specialist.

If this is a problem, then it’s worth considering if you have low self-esteem and whether you reject money as something bad, then the very “poor man’s mindset”.

